Emotional Freedom Technique- how to find sense again in life?
Old memories and emotions found their way to live a life in us through our emotions and feelings. And if they are negatively charged, they harm us and stop us from enjoying and experiencing life fully. The loss of hope, loss of sensation, loss of joy, and loss of interest stop us from being the best version of ourselves.
Today‘s science has proven that unresolved emotional issues can compromise and even harm our mental and physical health. Medicine science helps people to treat the symptoms but not to find and cure the cause of the dresses. And with time, they become chronic and even life-threatening.
But there is hope! And a cure! The missing link to vibrant health and happiness is the Emotional Freedom Technique-EFT.
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is an easy way to relieve stress and anxiety and improve overall well-being. It’s also been used successfully for treating insomnia, chronic pain, and even life-threatening diseases.
Implementing the technique and finding a way out of suffering is very easy. Our body has energy meridians through which goes the energy in our body. This energy flows freely through the body when we feel healthy and vital. But when we feel emotional pain, stress, anxiety, and sadness, these emotions are harmful and can block our meridian centers. All diseases start with blocked energy because if Qi energy is deficient, we cannot function at our total capacity and our internal body systems get sick.
So, step by step, these problems can become chronic and, with time, easily life-threatening. The conventional method of healing — the medicine we know today can treat the symptoms but rarely treats the cause of the problems. And the people get dependent on medication till the end of their lives.
To treat the problems with EFT, first, we must focus on a specific emotional problem we still hold. We close our eyes and imagine the situation before our eyes. It’s compulsory to feel negative emotions about this problem as much as possible and as strongly as possible. While we engage our imagination and feelings, we tap on a few points connected to each of our body meridians, such as the top of the head, eyebrows, under eyes, side of watches, chin, collar bone, and under the arms.
By tapping these points, we target the emotional problems that cause physical pain while reciting specific affirmations. The same procedure is done as often as necessary to cure the problem and release the blocked energy. Our body has mechanisms to heal when the emotional and energy blockages are removed.
Faster EFT could be a perfect friend to us, but people who have serious health issues should always consult with a doctor and EFT Therapists.
As we make ourselves sick ( in many cases unconsciously), we can now make our conscious choice to help ourselves and cure our minds, souls, and bodies.
Life could be magical!!!